Empower Your Journey
to Inner Peace
and Confidence

Finding Balance Within

A women’s empowerment coaching program for women navigating career demands and relationship challenges. Break free from guilt and overwhelm as you cultivate confidence, establish healthy boundaries, and prioritise self-care.

Break free from guilt and overwhelm as you cultivate confidence, establish
healthy boundaries, and prioritise self-care.
Say goodbye to stress and reclaim precious time for yourself because you matter, always.

All in 8 weeks, with empowerment exercises and
tools to take away so you can continue
to take care of you!

empowered women holding hands

Feeling Consumed? It's Time to Prioritise YOU

You thought carving out time for yourself would be simpler. Instead, you find your days consumed by everyone else's needs, leaving yours perpetually on the back burner. It's a familiar cycle: overextending yourself, feeling drained, and resenting the endless merry-go-round of burnout.

But here's the kicker: it's not your fault. You've been conditioned to believe that your needs come last, that taking time for yourself is selfish. Yet, deep down, you know something's off. You're tired of living for others, tired of feeling like you don't even matter.

You've never truly lived life on your terms, constantly sacrificing your own dreams and desires for the sake of others. And those relationships? They've left you feeling disillusioned and depleted.

Truth Bomb:

Being a woman doesn't equate to being an emotional caretaker for everyone else. You have the power to rewrite the script, to give yourself permission to prioritise your own happiness and wellbeing.

Your desires matter. Your dreams matter. YOU MATTER, ALWAYS. And there is a way forward—a way to reclaim your confidence, rediscover your goals, and live a life that's authentically yours.

It's time to break free from the cycle of exhaustion and resentment. It's time to step into your own light and embrace the confident, empowered woman you were always meant to be. Let's embark on this journey together and discover the better way you've been searching for.

I know you’re fed up with:

  • Being everyone else's caretaker

  • Always sacrificing your needs for others

  • Feeling guilty about taking time for yourself

  • Believing you don't deserve a break

  • Enduring unhealthy relationships, romantic or otherwise

  • Taking on too much, ending up drained, resentful, and burned out

  • People-pleasing, saying yes when you want to say no, and drowning in guilt

  • Feeling overwhelmed by societal expectations and standards

  • Struggling with imposter syndrome and self-doubt

  • Experiencing a lack of fulfilment or purpose in life

  • Dealing with chronic stress or anxiety

  • Feeling isolated or disconnected from others

  • Facing challenges with work-life balance

  • Experiencing feelings of inadequacy or not being "enough"

  • Coping with perfectionism and fear of failure

  • Enduring emotional or mental health challenges

  • Struggling with boundary-setting and assertiveness

You’re exhausted from:

  • Feeling frustrated, drained, and burnt out

  • Waiting for others to dictate your life

  • Feeling guilty for prioritising yourself

  • Living without knowing your own desires and goals

  • Being under constant pressure to meet expectations

  • Fearing judgment for valuing your needs

  • Lacking the love, respect, and happiness you deserve

  • Longing for meaningful connections and supportive relationships

  • Seeking personal growth and self-discovery

  • Wanting to feel confident and empowered in all aspects of life

  • Craving balance, harmony, and peace of mind

  • Desiring to live authentically and in alignment with values

  • Aspiring to pursue passions and hobbies

  • Yearning for work that is fulfilling and aligned with purpose

  • Seeking opportunities for learning and personal development

  • Hoping to create a life filled with joy, passion, and fulfilment

  • Dreaming of making a positive impact on the world or in your community

Deep down, you recognise some harsh truths:

Without change:

  • You'll remain mentally and physically drained, stuck in burnout

  • You'll continue feeling inadequate, resentful, and invisible

  • Your true self will remain undiscovered, leaving you perpetually unsatisfied

  • You'll wait for others to define your worth, feeling anxious and neglected

  • Any children you have may inherit these unhealthy patterns, perpetuating the cycle for generations

  • Neglecting your own well-being could lead to long-term consequences for your physical and mental health

  • The pattern of constantly putting others first may strain your relationships and diminish your own sense of fulfilment

  • Ignoring your own needs prevents you from living a life that aligns with your values and brings you joy

  • Your reluctance to prioritise self-care perpetuates a cycle of burnout and prevents you from reaching your full potential

  • By neglecting your own worth, you deny yourself the opportunity to cultivate resilience and embrace your true potential

  • Failing to advocate for your own needs limits your ability to create positive change and make meaningful contributions
    to your own life and the lives of others

But here's the good news: you have the power to rewrite your story. It's time to prioritise yourself, break free from the cycle of exhaustion, and reclaim your happiness. Let's journey together toward a life where your needs matter, your dreams flourish, and your worth is undeniable. The first step starts now.

What would it feel like to...

  • Finally give yourself the compassion and care you deserve without guilt or hesitation?

  • Experience the reassurance that your needs are valued and respected by those around you?

  • Carve out precious time for yourself, guilt-free and without apology?

  • Confidently prioritise your own wellbeing, knowing it's not selfish, but essential?

  • Learn the art of negotiating boundaries and sharing responsibilities, so you can focus on nurturing your own needs?

  • Assertively maintain boundaries and gracefully say no, without the weight of guilt dragging you down?

  • Build a strong sense of self-worth and release the burden of guilt that comes with putting yourself first?

  • Discover your true desires and aspirations, and have the courage to pursue them boldly?

  • Embrace the freedom to make choices and decisions that align with your own desires, without the shadow of guilt or external pressure?

  • Calm your mind and soothe the overwhelm, allowing yourself to breathe deeply and embrace a sense of inner peace?"

    These transformations are within your reach. Let's embark on this journey together and unlock the empowering changes you crave.

You’ve tried all the things.

  • You've tried reaching out for support, but it still feels like you're navigating the challenges alone

  • You've attempted to set boundaries, but the concept remains elusive, leaving you feeling overwhelmed and unsure

  • You've dabbled in self-care and devoured countless self-help books, yet the guilt of prioritising yourself lingers

  • You've poured your energy into helping others, yet your own needs continue to take a backseat

  • You've taken on more tasks and responsibilities, hoping it would bring fulfilment, only to find yourself stretched thin and exhausted

  • You've pushed yourself to be more assertive, but the fear of disappointing others still holds you back

  • You've tried to let others have their way, but it leaves you feeling unseen and unvalued

  • You've strived for perfection in everything you do, but it's left you feeling drained and unfulfilled

  • You've dabbled in meditation, seeking solace for your overwhelmed mind, yet the peace you seek remains elusive

    Despite your efforts, prioritising yourself and fostering healthy relationships still feel like uncharted territory. You know there must be a better way, but the path forward remains unclear.

Those things you’ve tried are great, but here's the hard truth: they won't truly help you because they fail to grant you the permission you desperately need—to stop feeling like you're solely responsible for everyone else's wellbeing and start living life on your own terms.

It's time to rewrite your story and discover the transformative power of prioritising yourself and cultivating authentic connections. Let's embark on this women’s empowerment journey together and uncover the path to fulfilment and resilience. Because - YOU MATTER ALWAYS.

You know what truly makes a difference?

Learning how to give yourself permission to put yourself first

Here's why my approach stands out:

With certifications in coaching and expertise as a Positive Psychologist, coupled with my lived experience of the challenges you're facing, I'm uniquely equipped to help you take charge of your happiness. As a mother of two girls and a beloved golden retriever named Bear, I understand firsthand the challenges of prioritising your needs and being a people pleaser. In this program, we'll carve out space for your sense of self to flourish. I'll pose the right questions to guide you towards clarity about your desires and needs and help you release the guilt of honouring yourself.

When you reclaim a solid sense of self, understand your values, and confidently make choices aligned with your needs, life becomes exhilarating. You'll wake up excited for the day ahead, no longer consumed by others' expectations. Asserting your needs won't burden you with guilt; instead, it will empower you. Your mind will find peace, and you'll feel back on track, journeying toward a life that's authentically yours at last.

Our journey together will be a catalyst for self-compassion and a rediscovery of your intrinsic worth. You'll gain clarity about your goals and desires, experiencing a transformative shift towards empowerment and authenticity. This women’s empowerment coaching program is more than just about finding balance—it's about reclaiming your autonomy and embracing a life that resonates with your true self. Are you ready to embark on this empowering journey of self-discovery?

You deserve someone who can guide you in recognising your emotional rights as a woman, helping you shed the burden of guilt and selfishness as you learn to prioritise yourself and finally break free from anxious “good girl” mode. Together, we'll navigate the complexities of unlearning patriarchal conditioning and establishing boundaries that create space for your own wellbeing.

That's why I've crafted 'Finding Balance Within’ - Women’s Empowerment Coaching
I'm passionate about empowering you to give yourself the permission you deserve to live life on your terms.

Emma looking into camera

Let Me Introduce Myself

Hi, I’m Emma Willmer,

For what seemed like forever, I was that woman juggling endless responsibilities, struggling to keep my head above water. It wasn’t a pretty sight. I'd find myself at home, waiting for others to dictate my next move, drowning in a relentless cycle of burnout and self-doubt. Every day felt like a battle, leaving me drained, unfulfilled, and constantly questioning my worth. I was trapped in a routine that revolved around fulfilling others' expectations, never stopping to consider what I truly wanted for myself.

But deep down, I knew I deserved more. I yearned to take back control of my life, to make choices that resonated with my own desires, and to set an example for my daughters—a life filled with purpose and authenticity. And so, I embarked on a journey of self-discovery, immersing myself in coaching and Positive Psychology. Today, I stand proud, having built my own business and reclaimed my autonomy. The freedom to make decisions that shape my destiny is exhilarating, and it's a feeling I want to share with you because you matter, always.

Learn more about me here.

Are You a Fit for Finding Balance Within?

Finding Balance Within is tailor-made for women who are ready to embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery and empowerment. If you're longing to prioritise yourself but feel unsure of where to start, this women’s empowerment coaching program is your guiding light. Perhaps you've dabbled in personal development and realised that true fulfilment goes beyond self-care—it's about creating a life that aligns with your values and aspirations.

However, Finding Balance Within is not for those who adhere to outdated beliefs about gender roles. If you believe women should bear the brunt of emotional labour and be subservient to men, this program may not be the right fit for you. Similarly, if you're resistant to introspection and personal growth, this journey may feel uncomfortable.

Additionally, if you're currently navigating a traumatic period in your life, such as domestic abuse, please know that your safety and wellbeing are paramount. I encourage you to seek support from domestic abuse charities and support groups in your area and to explore legal avenues for protection. Once you've found stability and healing, if you're ready to embark on a journey of self-discovery, I'll be here to support you every step of the way. Your journey towards empowerment and resilience begins when you're ready to take the first step.

What Clients Say


An 8-week women’s empowerment coaching journey designed to liberate women from the relentless cycle of self-sacrifice and burnout.

Reclaim your sense of self-worth, confidence, and resilience.

The program consists of 8 x 60-minute 1:1 weekly sessions via video call

Your Investment
£395 for the program

So What is ‘Finding Balance Within’, Emma?


It's an 8-week women’s empowerment coaching journey meticulously crafted to empower women like you to cultivate self-compassion, mindfulness, boundaries, positive emotions, and unshakeable confidence. The ultimate goal? To learn to prioritise yourself without that nagging guilt, so you can finally shed stress and cultivate healthy, fulfilling relationships while exuding the confidence you deserve.

Your Coaching Journey:

Throughout our coaching journey together, we will embark on a transformative experience focused on your personal growth and empowerment.

We'll start by delving deep into your challenges, goals, and specific needs. This initial session is designed to create a foundation of trust and understanding, ensuring our coaching journey is tailored to your unique requirements.

As we progress, we will explore the power of self-compassion and self-empowerment. Together, we will identify and overcome self-limiting beliefs and negative self-talk, fostering a mindset of positivity and resilience.

Mindfulness will be a central theme, guiding you to enhance your self-awareness and presence in your daily life. Managing distractions and honing your focus in the present moment will become second nature, empowering you to navigate life's challenges with clarity and calm.

Boundaries, both personal and interpersonal, will be addressed comprehensively. You will learn strategies to set and maintain boundaries with confidence, enabling you to honour your needs and desires without guilt.

Positive emotions and strengths will be harnessed as tools for your well-being. Gratitude practices and embracing positivity will become integral to your routine, enhancing your resilience and outlook on life.

Self-care will be emphasised as a cornerstone of personal empowerment. Together, we will create a personalised self-care plan that nurtures your physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Effective time management strategies will ensure that self-care becomes a non-negotiable aspect of your routine.

We'll confront self-doubt and limiting beliefs, cultivating self-belief and a positive self-image. Negative thoughts will be reframed, empowering you to take courageous actions and make positive changes in your life with unwavering confidence.

As we wrap up your coaching journey, we'll celebrate your wins and map out a plan to keep that empowerment train chugging along. You'll walk away armed with tools, resources, and a renewed sense of confidence to tackle whatever life throws your way.

Finally, together, we will evaluate the effectiveness of your coaching, ensuring that your experience has been enriching and empowering.

So, are you ready to take the leap and reclaim your power? Let's make it happen together. YOU MATTER, ALWAYS.