10 Reasons Why I Hate The Patriarchy

It's not a secret that I hate the patriarchy, but it is something that I have only started to become more aware of over the past few years. I see the effects of patriarchy everywhere, how women are held down, treated as 'less than' and not allowed to become strong. This is not a rant about men; it's the patriarchial system that is the problem. Men suffer in this system as well; they are socialised to feel less so they can go off and 'fight wars' in the same way that women are socialised to be the supporting act at home. Intergenerational sexism is alive and kicking and is so subtle that too many of us are not aware of it. Gender socialisation starts at birth without parents noticing, and the parents who choose to do things differently are up against a wall of social norms that are so hard to circumnavigate that over time, gender socialisation creeps in anyway.

The winner in all of this - patriarchy.

So how does this change? Women make the change, and mothers make the change. By women becoming aware of their emotional rights and giving themselves permission to ask themselves, 'what do I need?' Mothers modelling this for their children, friends modelling this for each other and leaders modelling this in the workplace. Over time it is possible that everyone will have equal emotional rights, and gender socialisation will no longer exist.

10 Reasons I Hate The Patriarchy

1. Women are objects to serve others

2. Women are treated with less respect

3. Women have to become 'like men' in order to be successful

4. Women are expected to do everything in the home

5. Women are taught to be silent

6. Women are talked about as objects who should not care what is said about them

7. Women are expected to treat men like gods

8. Women are sexualised from an early age

9. Women who don't dress 'sexy' are labelled as they have 'let themselves go'

10. Women are held back, expected to submit and be silent


Embracing Emotional Rights - The Women’s Manifesto


The Power of Self-Compassion